run faster.
eat better.
sleep longer.
try harder.
aim higher.
love more.
day by day,
get happier.
Why is it so easy to believe in others...but not yourself? We constantly remind others of how wonderful they are. We point out their strengths and accomplishments. We help them to be better people.
I've realized it's time to make
me better. It's time to believe in myself. It's time to remind myself that I am wonderful. I have strengths and accomplishments. I'm better than I think. And I'm responsible to change the things that aren't so great. I can. I will. Starting now.
It only takes one person to point out something great. Something that I didn't see. All it takes is one person to believe in you. Why compare yourself to
everyone? If everyone was great at everything...we wouldn't have strengths.
(This has a point, I swear. Friends of the blogging can stop reading here. I'm about to get excited about my [lack of] photography skills. For you few others who don't take amazing photos on!)
Why ask something of others that I'm capable of doing myself?

This is my sister, Katie, and her fiance, Mike. Man do I love them. How could you not? Just look at 'em! They're getting married in February...can you feel the love? I can. Anyways, I was trying to set up some engagement pictures for my sister as a luck. Boo. Then my sister says, "Jackie, you take great pictures...won't you just do them?" Me? Engagement pictures? Umm...a little out of my league. But, you see, I can't say no to my baby I grab my camera. We went out and just played around. I captured
them. Professional? Not me. Perfect? Not even close. Real? Absolutely! No PhotoShop, no crazy shots, nothing fancy...just them.

So my sister puts these unedited-nothing-fancy shots up on Facebook. Good ol' Facebook. She's proud. She loves them. That's the important thing. And then something happens...other people like them. Other people want me to capture them with their families. Other people think they're good. Wow. I was just going for "good enough." It's silly, but it makes me stop and think. I realize that I don't have to be as good as the people I look up to. I don't have to compare myself to them. I'm good enough. And I can only get better. And if even just one person believes in me and thinks I'm worthy...then I am. It's a great feeling. Self-actualization.