Monday, August 23, 2010

Beautiful Babies

Babies. Plural. One. Two. Boy. Girl. Beautiful.

This is John.
 He's such a sweet little boy.
He is the older of the two.
I got to snuggle him a bit, but (like any other little boy) he just loves the comfort of his mama.

This is Katie.
She's a precious little princess.
She's the baby sister of the clan.
Her and I spent our visit snuggling and chatting. She's a great snuggler. Oh how I love to snuggle babies!

I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon. You see, these babies have a super mom. She's super special. We got to chat about life. I talked about school. She gave me the pep talk I needed. She always does. Our visit was short, but we're busy gals and life doesn't stop for afternoon chats (although, I really wish it did).

Yep...I'm that boring.
Even made the baby yawn.
And I bet you're yawning now, too!

(ps. Aren't baby yawns the cutest? Aren't these babies the cutest?!)

*Stacey, Naomi, Ana -- pay no attention to my "quality" photos, at least they have cute subjects*