Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Sunday!

What is this a picture of?
Coffee, you say?
Yes, it is coffee...but more specifically...
It's a little piece of heaven in a paper cup.
You see the 'PS' written so fine?
That's 'pumpkin spice' and it's delicious.
The 'NF' and no whip?
Well that just means I don't have to feel bad for loving it so much.
The giant 'L' on the bottom?
That makes this a latte.
And this pumpkin spice latte makes me very happy!
It's only around in the fall,
so I have to take advantage of its deliciousness now :]

Now, what is this a picture of?
Nasal spray?
Yep! Exactly.
Why do I care to mention nasal spray?
Because, without this little gem I would not be able to taste my delicious latte.
It would just be a cup of hot liquid,
rather than the cup of awesome that it is.
I carry it in my purse for emergencies such as these.
Thank you, nasal spray!
Take that, "common cold!"

Ahhh yes,
HAPPY Sunday indeed!

ohhh and to top it all off...I just realized something.
Tomorrow is Labor Day.
For me, that means NO work and NO school. HAPPY Monday!!

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