Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two weeks down...

...only 14 more to go! I know you've all been dying to hear about how school is going...well let me give you the low down!

I have officially survived two weeks of my first semester of nursing school! YAH ME!! (*happy dance*) I still have all my hair which means I have managed to keep my sanity up to this point. I know, I know...drama's just school...but I was really freaking out about this! The work load seems tough, but I think I can do it. Correction: I know I can do it. I will do it. (I really have no choice now!) I'm really trying to stay on top of my six classes (yes SIX, 16 credits...ufda) and so far I think I have the hang of it. I suppose I should be studying instead of blogging, but hey, everyone needs a little break now and again. Between work and school I have no life, but I knew that would be the case so I'm putting on my big girl panties and dealing with it. Although, I do miss family night with my boy and roomies :(

So, what have I learned thus far?! I know you're all wondering. Well, let me teach you a thing or two about a thing or two.

   -- 120/80 is no longer the "normal" range for blood pressure. It is now known as pre-hypertensive. There goes the only "normal" thing I had going for me.
   -- Apical pulses are extremely hard to do on my big-busted classmates. It's times like these I wish there were more guys in my class.
   -- Gram stains are FUN! Yah, I know...I'm a loser...but they are! I literally squeaked in excitement when I saw my first slide on the microscope. You wanna see a picture? Yes, I took a picture of my first ever Gram stain and yes I'm going to make you look at it too! Here it is : staphylococcus epidermidis. Pretty huh?

   -- Apparently, being an NA makes you God's gift to nursing school and you know EVERYTHING! I beg to differ. Shut your just sound stupid. Let the teacher do her job, please! And please don't wear your scrubs to look like you're trying too hard. I don't care that you just came from work...if that's the case, then I don't want you anywhere near me anyways! Change your clothes, I do! Sorry...that's enough.
   -- Medical Ethics is actually pretty interesting. But, our instructor isn't very well put together and it's all online which makes it hard to "discuss" things. Ever had a debate via the internet? It just doesn't have the same feeling. He even told us we're not allowed to use "!" because he doesn't want any "yelling" on the discussion boards. I better hold back my excitement! Oops.

Well, I guess that's about it. I'm racking my brain for actual life changing things that I've taken in but the cursor just blinks and my mind is well spent I guess! Maybe I should get back to studying...or working...shh :]

Hope all your families have great first days back to school!!

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